Lochner Law Firm, P.C.

Todd D. Lochner, Esq.
Greg Singer, Esq.

Lochner Law Firm, P.C.
Donner Building
91 Main St., Suite 400
Annapolis, MD 21401

P: (443) 716-4400
F: (443) 716-4405

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USCG Marine Casualty Reporting Procedures Guidelines

A "marine casualty or accident" as defined in 46 CFR 4.03-1 is broadly defined to capture a wide variety of occurances. The statutes and regulations provide the United States Coast Guard (USCG) the authority to investigate a wide range of occurances irrespective of reporting requirements. These occurances include both commerical and recreational vessel activities. Required reporting for vessels are specfically defined in both 33 CFR Part 173 (state-registered vessels not subject to inspection) and 46 CFR Part 4 (US flagged vessels anywhere in the world and foreign-flagged vessels within US jurisdiction).

Once a casualty occurs, it is upto the "responsible industry party", who can be the owner, agent, master, operator, or person in charge, must determine whether an occurance meets the criteria for notifying the US Coast Guard. If a responsbile industry party determined an occurance meets the requirements for marine casualty notofications, they should make every effort by any means availble o immediately notify the nearest Coast Guard Commans Center after addressing any resulting safety concerns. All communications must include, at a minimum, the information contained in 46 CFT 4.05-5. Within five (5) calander days following a reportable marne casualty, a written marine casualty report must be submitted. The US Coast Guard retains the authority to investigate any "marine casualty or accident" regardless of whether a report was required by regulation. A copy of reportable marine casualties, as identified by the US Coast Guard, can be found here .

If there is any doubt whether an occurance is a reportable marine casualty contact our office, prior to communicating with the Coast Guard.

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